"To strengthen the capacities of local governmental units

 and provide training, technical assistance, and research

 services to elected, appointed, and administrative officials."


We seek to accomplish our mission by building and sustaining working partnerships with local government practitioners and their professional associations (especially the Montana Association of Counties, the Montana Municipal Insurance Authority, and the Montana League of Cities and Towns), Montana Tribal governments, key state agencies, the Local Government Committees of the Montana State Legislature, and the appropriate departments, centers, faculty and staff of the Montana University System.







  • Strengthen the capacity of Montana's rural units of local government to deliver essential services efficiently.
  • Enhance the policy making, financial management and personnel management skills of elected local government officials.
  • Advance the professional skills and standing of the appointed clerks, treasurers, finance officers and other elected and appointed local governmental managers.
  • Develop and sustain professional communication networks between elected and appointed officials at the local level and relevant state and university resource agencies.
  • Provide timely and objective policy research and analysis on local issues in support of local officials, state legislators and the professional association of municipal and county officials and for wide public dissemination.
  • Conduct and enrich local government instruction.